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Fornari Roma
servizio di posate in argento 800 in custodia originale
composto da: 12 forchette frutta, 12 cucchiai frutta, 12 coltelli pesce, 12 forchette pesce, 24 forchette grandi, 12 cucchiai grandi, 12 coltelli grandi, 12 coltelli piccoli, 12 cucchiaini, 9 posate da portata. Gr. 10785 lordi
Fornari Roma tit. 800 silver Service in original case, including: 12 fruit forks, 12 fruit spoons, 12 fish knives, 12 fish forks, 24 big forks, 12 big spoons, 12 big knives, 12 small knives, 12 small spoons, 9 silverware
€ 1.800 - € 2.500
Sold for € 3.000
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