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Ex libris - Blake

Sara Eugenia

Ex libris

Serie di 4 ex libris della Blake, incisi in seppia e verde mare, tutti firmati in calce, varie misure. Al retro timbro circolare della collezione Bolaffio, Milano.

€ 220 - € 1.950

Lotto non venduto

“Along with Elizabeth Watson Diamond, Andrews Pace and Irene Dunn, Sara Eugenia Blake (Boston, 1886 - 1973) was one of the major collectors of Ex-Libris art in the United States. Her large and impressive collection included valuable, historical plates (such as Isaiah Thomas' ex-libris for Paul Revere) as well as contemporary works by such major artists as Eric Gill and Rockwell Kent. A large portion of her collection is now housed at Columbia University Rare Books and Manuscript Library. Sara Eugenia Blake also designed and etched a number of fine ex-libris plates. She etched this plate, of course, for her own library and the subject portrays the oldest public building in Boston (The Old State House). During this period Sara Eugenia Blake was the Librarian of Tufts College Medical School.” Luigi Filippo Bolaffio è stato uno dei più grandi collezionisti di ex libris del Novecento, di cui divenne un eccellente storico.


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* campi obbligatori

Lotto numero 113, Libri Autografi e Stampe &8211 Asta 88

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